1. Bus Driver

Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 19.37.34Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 19.37.44For this shoot I decided to focus on one bus driver and Derby Bus Station. I wanted to take portraits of the driver as well as shots around the bus station, perhaps showing the smaller details and spaces. I haven’t got much practice using a Hasselblad, and looking back I think I needed to use a tripod to get my portraits straight as well and to get correct angles. In some areas that were shaded, I need a tripod to lower my shutter speed for the camera to be steady as I had the aperture as wide as it could go. I am happy with one or two of my portraits but overall it wasn’t an overly successful shoot. I think I need to spend a bit more time thinking about my composure and how the subject is stood in my composition. I tried a couple of different variations for a portrait, some chest height and above, full height head-to-toe portraits and some about hip height and up. I think in this circumstance hip height and above worked quite well. Although I would like to try and go even closer than chest height.

I used Kodak Porta 400.



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This is my favourite image out of the whole shoot. I am happy with the lighting, composition of the subject and the focus, including eye contact.