Website 15/1/18

This is my website from 15/01/18:

From this date I changed my website to quite a simple grey design, with mainly white text, with a portfolio style gallery on the homepage and a similar style on each project tab, showing big images in two columns, which I prefer to the previous style I had which looked more like a small tile gallery which sometimes had problems loading so could look a mess.

I have divided my work between projects, Commercial and Personal; Projects have subsections where I have a the title of the project and the images following. Commercial (which I am unsure about) has a series of images I did for a brewing company, but I may remove ‘commercial’ and just put it into the projects category. Personal is more of a gallery space of images that aren’t part of any project, whether it be landscapes, architecture, portraits.

I have added a ‘About me’ Section which is very brief at the moment and will be shortly improved to be more useful and informative. Lastly a basic contact me section where it is quick and easy to contact me.

Needed improvements:

  • I am not 100% happy with my header showing my name and title headings, I am not that fond of the font, and I feel the font should be larger. I may need to change the whole style of my website to fix this.
  • I want to add social buttons for easy access to my pages.
  • I want to improve my ‘About Me’ page to be more informative.
  • I may scrap the ‘Commercial’ tab and put the Totally Brewed project into ‘Projects’
  • I would like to have a horizontal style slide gallery, but as of yet have not found one that works.

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