Obtaining Work Experience


I was thinking of splitting my email into a couple of sections and depending on who i am emailing and what their specific work is focused on. So my first paragraph would introduce myself briefly, then explain how I would like to gain work experience with them, and why, and my interest in photography/photo assisting. My next paragraph would be more specific to the photographer, I would explain why I want to work with them specifically, talking briefly about their work. I would then talk about how working with them would be beneficial and what I would learn from it. I then would say how I hope to hear back from them, rounding up the email, expressing again how I would love to work with them as an assistant. I want to carry on emailing people even after the deadline of professional practice, and perhaps get in work experience over summer. I need to optimise my spare time and make the most out of it. Starting to email people has given me a little confidence boost with writing and sending emails, even if most don’t reply, it makes me really positive when I do get a response. I think I will find it hard to send big numbers of emails in one go, and I also think about how many people I can actually contact that I could realistically get to if they offered me some work experience. I think London is out of the question, I am going to stick to Bristol and the East Midlands where I live as I am often there and can stay home while doing the work experience.


4 Point Plan –

  • Lists
  • Composition
  • Strategy
  • Execution

Lists –

Composition –

  •  Composing a succinct and relevant email is crucial to success. Photographers and organisations receive emails everyday from people wanting work experience.
  • The key is to get your passion, eagerness and pragmatism across and show that you have done your research into the artists/business.
  • 200 words should be fine
  • Embed an image of your own if you feel it is relevant

Strategy and execution –

  • Keep notes on all emails/calls and contacts you make
  • Reappraise at the end of the four weeks:
    • Who you have confirmed to meet
    • Who is a potential
    • Who you still have to establish contact
    • You can be binned
  • It is a long process but you just need to keep chipping at it