Social Presence


I decided to create a photography account on Instagram as it is a perfect space to share my images, and keep people up to date with recent work frequently. As a website is updated less frequently, I can post more images as I am doing projects, where as my website is more suitable for finished projects, showing my favourite images that feels to be on a more professional level. I put useful but not too much information about my self, including where I study, where I am based and a link to my website. I hope to attach a blog to my website in the future, like an extension of Instagram, what is currently happening and I thought of adding guest speakers and my reflection, behind the scenes of shoots, exhibitions etc. I want to keep people informed to what I am doing, even if no one is looking at my website. I have also been making sure to follow guest speakers, up and coming photographers/creatives, and organisations for example, BJP, to keep up to date with them too as well as more established photographers.


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I have been making sure to regularly update my Instagram as it is the space where other photographers and creatives can see recent work, as well as photographers I have contacted who are already established in the industry. I want people to see I am actively working on projects and producing new work.

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Email Signature:

I decided to add and email signature to my photography email, which includes my name, a link to my website and a link to my photography Instagram account. This means my social links are available at a click of a button, without them having to find me. I have actually found that having a signature at the end of my email is very useful and beneficial. When I have been sending emails to photographers asking for work experience they can click on the links when considering, it also shows I am serious about my work and they can see my work for themselves. A couple of the people I have contacted have started with responding by saying they have checked out my links etc, which starts the ball rolling.